There are a multitude of action games for your child to play. If they are between the age of 3 to 5 here are some suggestions in the order or popularity. They are Hot Dog Bush, Greedy's Bakery, Sling Shot Santa or Wonderball. Each of these games is very different, but all take eye and hand coordination.Hot Dog Bush is the favorite game of choice and is the easiest. With this game the object is to make as many hotdogs and serve them to your waiting customers as you possibly can. You must wait until a customer is asking for a hotdog, the customer doesn't speak of course, you just see a picture of what all they want on their hotdogs. You get the bun, place it on the counter, cook the wiener and place it in the bun. If the customer wants ketchup or any other condiment, you place that on the hotdog and give to the customer. The customer then pays you and more customers will come up. If you do not put your money in the cash register, then no more customers will approach the hotdog stand. You are required to make so much money per day. If you meet the quota, then you have won the day!
Greedy's Bakery is based on the Smurfs! It is an adorable game of catch the food with all the graphics that the old Smurf cartoons had in them. Greedy is trying to catch all of the food that two other Smurfs are throwing to him. To help Greedy catch the food, you must move Greedy with the arrow keys. You lose a life each time that Greedy misses the food. You win a life when Greedy catches the food. As soon as the food hits Greedy's plate, it disappears and the score goes up! You only have four lives. This game does not last long, so a child with a short attention span will enjoy this game.
Sling Shot Santa is a more difficult game. There are two elves that are pushing a slingshot on the snow. Using the arrow keys to push Santa, they speed up as long as you are pressing the keys. If you want to sling shot Santa, then you must press the space bar key. Santa will either do one of three things. If you have chosen to sling shot him at the right time, he will be shot over the ravine. If you fall short of the mark, or if you do not get going fast enough, then poor Santa lands on the ice face first! If you get to going too fast and are too close to the ravine, then Santa and the elves fall through to the hard ground below. This game takes more thinking skill than younger kids have. Trying to get Santa over the ravine was even hard for me (and I am an adult). Sometimes I think you just get lucky and Santa flies over! You don't actually see Santa hit the ground - that was the saving grace of this game.
Wonderball is another game for children with short attention spans. Again using your arrow keys and your space bar, a small robot tries to throw a ball up at some bricks to knock them out. A little on the destructive side, but it is cute when the ball bounces back, hits the ground and then is able to knock some more bricks out! A fast paced game which also requires hand and eye coordination!
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